It's been MANY months since I've updated this blog. Matthew started third grade and is playing soccer and in Cub Scouts. His daddy is his cub master. Those of you who know my husband well are now smiling and maybe even chuckling at that. :) I am still working at the hospital on the weekends. I love my job, but we have very little family time right now. My health has not seemed to return back to normal since the baby was born. I have been in the hospital once and very sick several times. I am also having a lot of pain right now. After seeing my doctor, it seems that I am physically and emotionally exhausted. I am praying about how God would have me deal with this. I know that life is not merely about surviving, but about living to the fullest. I am praying and trying to sink that deep into my spirit. Just a few weeks ago our sweet Kate turned 1! It doesn't seem like a whole year since she came into this world a month early giving us quite a scare with initial trouble breath...
Wife, Mom, Nurse Leader, Mentor, Influencer, and World Changer. Passionate about my profession, educating others, and working on myself daily to live a faithful life that leaves an honorable legacy.