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Happy Anniversary!

Eight years ago today, I married the most wonderful man in the world. He is smart, well, brilliant. He is funny, but it's a weird sense of humor. Like he almost never laughs at his little funny sayings, but they almost make me fall over they are so funny! He is very strong. He has never failed me in opening a jar or reaching a dish up high or moving the furniture because I had a hankering to do so.

He is a total geek and that is one of my favorite things about him. He has never once yelled at me. And he only once raised his voice at me (I deserved it). I have watched him cry over a Disney movie because it made his son cry (in a sweet tears sort of way, not scared tears sort of way).

He is one of the most godly men I know. His knowledge of the Bible and its scripture is immense. But his wisdom in them are truly a special gift from the Almighty. The first gift he ever gave me was a cross necklace for my birthday way back when we were dating. He told me that the world thinks of the heart as the symbol of love, but for us, the truest symbol of love was the cross and the fact that Jesus gave his life for us.

He is quiet, and I am loud. Somehow, he always knows what I've said even if I've talked nonstop from here to Huntsville (and I have so done that)! I make him sleep on the side of the bed that is closest to the door. Because I know he would fight to the death to protect me and his children.

He once drove to another state to get me fried pickles because I was so homesick. He is the only one I really want to impress. He is the only one who truly loves me just like I am . He cried after our son was born because I was in pain and he couldn't make it go away.

He is the heart and soul of our family. He is my greatest treasure. He is my best friend and beloved. He is the only one I would poot in front of. He is the only one I could imaging growing old with.

Cole, thank you for loving me these past 8 years. I hope I have loved you like you have loved me. I can't wait for the next 80 years with you!

Your very blessed wife,


Lynn Pittman said…
That is the sweetest post I've read about a hubby! You two are so AWESOME together...Paul and Cole sounds just alike! We have been married 20 years and Paul has raised his voice at me only once also and I deserved it! LOL

Love you both...Happy Anniversary!

I love your new page...guess we both didn't need New Mercies...but that was weird that we had the same title for our blog! :-)
Megan said…
Wow. . . you tryin to make all us women cry??! What a testimony to marriage the way that God designed it! You guys are inspirational to me. Happy Anniversary!
MrsHonea said…
What a beautiful marriage; Congratulations on 8 years!
THE J Mo said…
That's great post Paige!

Y'all look great in your photo too...

What a wonderful post! You made me all teary reading it! You two are absolutely amazing together and I can only imagine that Cole would say such wonderful things about you. You two have a blessed marriage and I am so happy that you two have each other!
Stonefox said…
Congrats, y'all!
Jo Barnes Warlick said…
Oh GREAT! You just made me cry in front of 30 6th graders! I am so glad that you wrote those things about my baby brother. I always knew he was special, but now everyone else does, too!
Simply a Sponge said…
Beautiful words of love for your precious Cole! I am also happy that you married him and that he loves you like that. As your mom, I have only wanted the best that God has for you and you got it in Cole and Matthew. I can only imagine what your life will be like when the little one gets here!

p.s. The love that you and Cole have gives me great hope that I might find that same kind of love someday. Love you!
tonya said…
Hey Paige!
thanks for your sweet words
I am so sorry everyone had to endure that yesterday and that it is still ongoing.
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