Today, I'm struggling. My son has diabetes. He would die if we didn't give him daily doses of insulin. That's heavy. Most days I am so thankful that we aren't facing a disease that has a death sentence. I am so thankful for all the strides that are being made to help those with diabetes live as normal a life as possible and also to hopefully find a cure one day.
But today I am struggling.
Last night the hubbs couldn't sleep. He, the one who is not a worrier, was worried about the boy. Yesterday the boy had a good day and there wasn't any reason to really be worried. We wouldn't have to check his blood sugar at 2 am. But my husband could not sleep and woke up at 2 and then at 3, 4, and 5 checking his blood sugar. Just to be sure.
I've spent all day praying and reading Diabetes magazines and researching everything I can get my hands on that might help my boy. Sometimes I even wonder if we've made the wrong mistake by taking him out of school this year. Am I robbing him of a normal life when so much of his life is abnormal?
Just yesterday I read an interview with Nick Jonas' mom in Diabetes Forecast. It really helped me as a mom and my thougths toward the boy's diabetes. And then I ran across this little video. It did encourage me. I can't wait to show the boy tomorrow when he wakes up!
Tomorrow is going to be a better day...
i'm amazed and impressed by what ya'll have done and been through. mostly because, though things are rough and not going according to your plan, you've chosen to walk this path with God and follow His lead. i've seen so many people pull away from God when junk got tough. i'm 100% confident that, since you choose God's path daily, you'll be amazed and awestruck by where He's gonna lead you and that awesome little red-headed boy.
courage! you're not alone.